How to find a supplier in Italy?

Italy is the homeland of Beauty, good food, best wines, creativity and handicraft skills.
Are you looking for Italian products or wish to have something manufactured in Italy?

To find a vendor in Italy

To find a vendor in Italy is not as simple as it could appear. Searches on the web can help to give you an idea of companies that could fit your needs.
But are you sure that they really are what you are looking for and you are not missing chances to find something better?

Vendors in Italy, for most of foreign customers, are not in the handful of large industrial groups that everyone knows but within the thousands of small-medium sized companies, flexible, with high quality products and competitive prices that are the backbone of our industry.
Unfortunately they are not easy to be found without a deep knowledge of the industrial distribution in Italy.

Vendors Sourcing is What We Do

We have been helping foreign companies to find Italian vendors in almost any field since more than 20 years

We are a group of professionals. After years of work spent in companies as Sales Managers, Export Managers and Purchase Managers we decided to put our experience and knowledge of the Italian productive reality at the service of foreign companies.
Our aim is to help you finding the right business partner more than a simple supplier.

How we find a vendor for You

Suppliers selection

Looking for an Italian vendor you will give us a complete information about the product or service that you need.
We will select a restricted list of possible vendors and we will submit you with their offers.

Suppliers meeting

Once some of the proposed vendors have basically met your request you will need to meet them, deepen the knowledge and discuss about the terms of the offer or you just wish to evaluate the possibility of starting a cooperation.
We will organize your visit to the selected vendors: pick you up at the airport, book an hotel for you, drive you to the possible suppliers premises, assist you in the negotiation and help you to understand the Italian way to business.


Business relationship

Once you have finalized the agreements with the vendor/suppliers you will have just one point of reference to follow the development of the situation and start your business relationships in the best way.
We will follow up your suppliers in order to keep the thread of your contacts in a faster and cheaper way.

Procurement Agency - Buying Office

Do you need a Procurement Agency or Buying Office? Here we are to take care of all the aspects of the purchase, from the assistance on site during your visit to the vendors to the search of new vendors, from order transmission to quality inspection.

Why wasting time in a blind search? Get in touch with us.

Are you ready to go?